Faith Apart from Works is Dead - Part 2

James 2:18-26
April 18, 2021
Abraham Hong


Sermon Script

Last Sunday, our Lord Jesus Christ gave us warning and humility and wisdom. He warned us that faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. He humbled us with the truth that our faith comes from him and that our works are enabled by him. And he called us to be wise and take care of his people, our fellow brothers and sisters who are members of the church. Jesus wants us to take care of one another. With loving and practical generosity and hospitality. And without partiality. This is works. This is obedience to his royal law. This is love for him and for his church.

In today’s passage, the subject matter of faith and works continues. James drives home the fact that faith apart from works is dead. And he brings up three things. He brings up the works of demons. He brings up the works of Abraham. And he brings up the works of Rahab.

And all in all, James shows us how our works are very important.

First, James brings up the works of demons. Demons are real spiritual beings who work for Satan. They are evil. They operate in this old and fading world. They have lost the war. And it is only a matter of time until they are judged and destroyed by the Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But here is the crazy thing about demons. Demons, in a sense, have faith in Jesus. They have faith in Jesus in the sense that they know exactly who he is and what he has done and they know his word that is the Bible. They have this kind of “faith.” But they do not have works. Demons know exactly who Jesus is and what he has done, but they are against him. Demons know Jesus’ word that is the Bible, but they do not obey it. Demons don’t have works. Here is the powerful and humbling logic that James puts before us. If you say that you have faith but you do not have works, then your words are foolish and useless. If you say that you have faith but you do not have works, then how is that different from demons? Demons believe that God is one - and they even shudder at the fact that God is one. But they do not worship and obey God.

You are not a demon. You are a child of God. You are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. You are forgiven and redeemed and resurrected and loved by Christ Jesus.

Therefore, I command you in the name of the King, show your faith by your works. Show your faith. Prove your faith. Submit evidence of your faith. I command you in the name of the King, demonstrate that you are a real Christian. Confirm that you are really living for the kingdom of the new heavens and new earth. Verify that you really love Jesus. And I command you in the name of the King, do all of this with humility. As you show, do not be a show-off. Do not show off your faith by your works. Just show your faith by your works.

Dear Highland, this is quite exciting. If every one of us shows our faith by our works, then our church is going to see a big increase in love and care and generosity and hospitality. If every one of us works hard to obey the royal law and makes sure that no members fall through the cracks of partiality and supports our diaconal ministry and does all of this with humility and wisdom, then Jesus will be greatly glorified. And church will be exciting. Remember these words last Sunday from Matthew 25:31-40, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” All of this is very exciting because all of this is ultimately for Jesus. Highland, let’s do works for Jesus. Let’s love others for Jesus. Let’s show our faith for Jesus. Faith apart from works is dead. I am very excited to see you all show your faith by your works.

James brings up demons, but he also brings up the works of Abraham and Rahab. After Adam sinned against God and earned judgment for us all through the covenant of works, God made a promise. God promised salvation from sin and from death. God promised to show grace and mercy to a chosen people. God promised a savior who would crush the head of the serpent and establish a kingdom of resurrection glory. Abraham and Rahab believed in God’s promises. Abraham and Rahab had their faith tested. And Abraham and Rahab were justified by their works.

Abraham’s works was this. He offered up his son Isaac on the altar. He was willing to give up Isaac. He was willing to administer God’s rightful and deserved judgment upon Isaac. He was willing to have Isaac put to death. This was Abraham’s works. And this works of his showed that he truly believed in the promise of God and in the hope of resurrection glory. Abraham truly believed that while Isaac deserved to die for his sins, God had the power to resurrect Isaac at the end (Genesis 22; Hebrews 11). And so Abraham did what he did. Therefore, Abraham was justified by his works. His faith was shown by his works. His faith was active along with his works. And his faith was completed by his works. It is one thing to say or think or claim that you believe in resurrection. It is another thing to show it. Abraham showed it. He showed it with his works. Abraham’s faith was put to the test. And his faith was shown to be living and not dead.

Rahab’s works was this. She received the messengers and sent them out by another way. Rahab was a resident of Jericho. But she did not show allegiance to the king of Jericho. She showed allegiance to the nation of God. So when the king of Jericho asked Rahab to reveal information about men who worked for the nation of God, Rahab protected them and hid them and provided false information about them to the king of Jericho. This was Rahab’s works. And this works of hers showed that she truly believed in the promise of God and in the hope of salvation (Joshua 2; Hebrews 11). Rahab truly believed that while she and her family deserved to die for their sins through the impending destruction and judgment upon the city of Jericho, God offered grace and mercy and forgiveness and life. And so Rahab did what she did. Therefore, Rahab was justified by her works. Her faith was active along with her works. And her faith was completed by her works. It is one thing to say or think or claim that you have allegiance to Jesus. It is another thing to show it. Rahab showed it. She showed it with her works. Rahab’s faith was in a sense put to the test. And her faith was shown to be living and not dead.

Now, when we say that Abraham and Rahab were justified by their works, we are not saying that they were forgiven of their sins because of their works. If we say that then we are proclaiming an anti-Christian anti-gospel. No one is saved by their works. Only the works of Christ Jesus saves. Rather, when we say that Abraham and Rahab were justified by their works, we are saying that they showed themselves to be friends of God. They believed in Jesus and in his righteousness, and they lived in a manner worthy of Jesus and his righteousness. In this sense, we can say that Abraham and Rahab were justified by their works. You have heard it said that we are justified by faith alone. That is absolutely true. But while we are justified by faith alone, our faith is never alone. Our faith is always accompanied with works. And that is what James is saying in today’s passage. For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Dear Highland, let us repent of our lack of works. And let us increase our works for the Lord and for his people. We are living in the last days. It is time for you to show who you really are, who you really believe in, and who you really live for.

The ball is now in your court and in your hands.

Take care of one another. Show love and practical generosity and hospitality. And do it all without partiality. This is works. This is obedience to his royal law. This is love for him and for his church. Today’s passage is not meant to comfort you or provide you with assurance. It is meant to challenge you and push you and warn you and wake you up to be more wise. Faith without works is dead. But you are not dead. You are alive in Christ. And he is coming back. So let’s get to work.

Soli Deo Gloria