And They Followed Jesus

John 1:35-42
March 6, 2022
Abraham Hong


Sermon Script

Today’s passage is a story about three Christians who began to believe in who Jesus was and began to follow him. There is Andrew. There is John. His name is not mentioned in the story but it’s most likely him - especially since John is the narrator here and the writer of this book. And there is Peter. This is a story about Andrew, John, and Peter beginning to believe in who Jesus was and beginning to follow him.

But the point of this story is about why. Why did Andrew, John, and Peter begin to believe in who Jesus was. And why did Andrew, John, and Peter begin to follow Jesus. Why.

Dear Highland, why do you follow Jesus? What are you seeking?

In today’s passage, there are three deep and wonderful reasons as to why Andrew, John, and Peter began to follow Jesus. The three reasons are neatly revealed in the three statements that were made about Jesus. In verse 36, John the Baptist states that Jesus is the Lamb of God. “Behold, the Lamb of God!” In verse 38, Andrew and John call Jesus their Teacher. “Rabbi/Teacher, where are you staying?” And in verse 41, Andrew believes and shares with his brother Peter that Jesus is the Messiah or the Christ. “We have found the Messiah.” “We have found the Christ.”

So why did Andrew, John, and Peter follow Jesus? Because they believed that Jesus was the Lamb of God. Because they believed that Jesus was the Teacher. And because they believed that Jesus was the Messiah or the Christ. These were the reasons why Andrew, John, and Peter began to follow Jesus.

How about you? Are these the reasons why you follow Jesus? I hope so. If someone were to interview you right now, right on the spot, and ask you why you follow Jesus, what would you say?

I hope your answer would sound something like this. “I follow Jesus because he is the Lamb of God and because he died for my sins as my substitute and now I am forgiven.” “I follow Jesus because he is the Teacher, and because he is the truth, and I am saved because he has spoken his truth in his Word.” “I follow Jesus because he is the Messiah, the Christ, and because he is the promised King, the one true God Almighty and Lord of all.”

And if all of that is hard to remember, then just remember the three offices of Jesus and the phrase “Prophet, Priest, and King.”

Dear Highland, may you follow Jesus because Jesus is the Lamb of God. Praise the Lord. Think about it. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb who takes your sin and dies in your place as your substitute. Picture a humble lamb pierced by a knife. Picture all the blood that comes out of the lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God who died on the cross and shed his blood for you so that your sins would be paid for and so that you would be forgiven and have eternal life. And the most amazing thing about all of this is that Jesus is God. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus died for you.

This is why we follow Jesus. We follow Jesus because of his suffering for us, his sacrifice for us, his death for us. Jesus paid for our lives with his life. Now we owe him. Now we belong to him. Now we love and worship and serve and obey him. Now we follow him. We follow Jesus because Jesus is the Lamb of God. Follow him.

Dear Highland, may you follow Jesus because Jesus is the Teacher. Praise the Lord. Think about it. Jesus is the Teacher who speaks to you the truth. The truth about everything. The truth about him. The truth about yourself. The truth about sin and death and eternal life and salvation. The truth about everything. And the most amazing thing about all of this is that Jesus is God and that all of God’s truth has been given to you in writing in the Bible, in his Word.

This is why we follow Jesus. We follow Jesus because he is truth, he is full of truth, and therefore he is trustworthy and perfect and safe and never-failing. Now we believe him. Now we rest in him. Now we listen attentively to him. Now we learn under him. Now we study his Word that is the Bible. Now we follow him. We follow Jesus because Jesus is the Teacher. Follow him.

Dear Highland, may you follow Jesus because Jesus is the Messiah or the Christ. Praise the Lord. Think about it. Jesus is the Messiah or the Christ. This literally means that he is the Anointed One. Kings in the Old Testament times were marked and set apart by being anointed. Oil would be poured upon their heads, similar to how water would be poured upon the heads of babies as they are baptized. This anointing of kings were meant to mark and set apart kings for service and for glory. Jesus is the ultimate King of kings and Lord of lords who is THE Anointed One, THE Messiah, THE Christ. And the most amazing thing about all of this is that Jesus is God and that Jesus was promised to be our Savior and our King and that he wins and that we belong to his victorious kingdom forevermore.

This is why we follow Jesus. We follow Jesus because he is our Anointed King, because he is all powerful, because he has defeated sin and death and the enemy, and because he rules over all things. Now we bow down before him. Now we pledge allegiance to him and him alone. Now we have joy because of his kingdom. Now we rest in his victory. Now we tremble before him with fear and reverence and awe. Now we live for him and serve him and love him. Now we follow him. We follow Jesus because Jesus is the Christ. Follow him.

Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king. And he is full of love and grace. Notice how in verse 38 Jesus turned and saw Andrew and John and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And when Andrew and John asked him where he was staying, Jesus simply said, “Come and you will see.” These are all beautiful words of warmth and invitation and love and grace. There is truly love and grace because Andrew and John were sinners. They did not deserve the love and grace of God. But Jesus welcomed them to repent of their sins and believe in him. Keep in mind that Andrew and John would run away from Jesus and desert Jesus before his crucifixion. But Jesus invited Andrew and John to follow him. And Jesus invites you to follow him in the same way. This is the love and grace of Christ.

Jesus is our prophet, priest, and king who is full of love and grace. Notice how in verse 42 Jesus gave Peter a new name. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter). These are all beautiful words of warmth and invitation and love and grace. There is truly love and grace because Peter was a sinner. He did not deserve the love and grace of God. But Jesus welcomed him to repent of their sins and believe in him. Keep in mind that Peter would later deny Jesus three times. But Jesus looked at Peter and gave him his new name. Peter’s old name was Simon. For whenever people were given new names in the Bible, it meant that a new life was given, a new promise was made, and a new path was forged. Jesus gave Peter his new name. Peter failed to live up to his new name at first. But Jesus did not name Peter on the basis of who Peter was or who Peter will be in the near-term future. Jesus named Peter on the basis of who Peter will be at the end. Jesus named Peter on the basis of who Jesus was going to make Peter into. Jesus invited Peter to follow him. And Jesus invites you to follow him in the same way. This is the love and grace of Christ.

And so this leads us to the end of today’s sermon and the final twist. Admit it, you are not as good at following Jesus as you should be. Admit it, perhaps some of you don’t even know why you are following Jesus. But you’re not alone. There is Andrew, John, and Peter. There is everyone else in our church.

We do not follow Jesus as we ought to. But Jesus looks at you. And he invites you to follow him. He asks you what you are seeking. And he calls you to come and you will see. You may not be where you are supposed to be. But you are brought to where Jesus is.

Jesus loves you. Jesus is gracious toward you. Therefore, dear Highland, follow him.

We do not follow Jesus as we ought to. But Jesus looks at you. And he has given you a new name. You are a Christian. You are united with him. Your old self is gone and your new self is here and is being renewed as the weeks and months and years go by.

Jesus loves you. Jesus is gracious toward you. Therefore, dear Highland, follow him.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Come, Lord Jesus, come soon!

Soli Deo Gloria